
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22



Needing Help With a Difficult Child


LORD, your Word says that children are a reward from you, but this child makes me wonder about that scripture.  I brought this child home from the hospital with such joy and high hopes, never envisioning the challenge my child would bring to my life.


My child has drained my physical, mental, financial, and spiritual resources.  I have worried, prayed, and sought advice from godly professionals.  My child exasperated me, embarrassed me, and caused me to question both my parenting and my sanity.  I love my child dearly, but sometimes I don't like my child very much.  If I've missed a physical or emotional component to this situation, please show me.


Heavenly Father, I ask that you love my child through me when my love has dwindled; that your infinite wisdom guide me, for my child has me totally stumped; that your strength and patience sustain me, for I have run out of both.


You love my child even more than I do, and only you have the power to change my child's heart.  Place within my child a hunger and thirst for you and your Word.  Help my child experience your unconditional love at every level of being.  Replace any rebelliousness with surrender to your Lordship.  Make a way of escape for my child from fleshly temptations.  Give my child the strength to resist the pull of our worldly culture.


I thank you ahead of time for shaping my child into a beautiful trophy to your love.  Amen.


"Sons are a heritage from the LORD,

children a reward from Him."

Psalms 127:13



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