
Prayers, Power, Passion and Inspiration

RainDrops Prayers - Yesterday's Prayers

  And whatever you ask in prayer you will receive if you have faith.

Matthew 21:22






Abba Father, you hold a special place in your heart for innocent children.  How grieved you must feel as the ranks of "children of divorce" grow larger and larger each year.  How your heart must break.


You understand their anguish more than we do.  You know when smiles or bad behavior mask searing pain. You recognize wounds that refuse to heal.  Do you cry with them, Father?  Do you long to comfort them?  Do you whisper to them in the night?


Help them to listen for your loving whispers, God.  Gently wipe away their tears.  When they wonder if they can every trust again, teach them that you are dependable, trustworthy, and faithful. Give them role models who will live healthy marriages before their eyes.  so that by watching those relationships the children can know how to successfully craft their own marriages.  Don't let them fear commitment.  Assure them that you have bright futures for them.


Surround them with your loving arms, Lord, until they grow into noble Christians who sere you and love their families fervently. 


I pray this in Jesus' name.




"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me,

and do not hinder them,

for the kingdom of heaven belongs

to such as these.'"


Matthew 19:14



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