Prayers . . . for loved ones, friends, and strangers







Only Wise God, you gave your Word to keep us happy and holy and in joyful relationship with you and one another.  Why won't we ever learn that your ways are for our good?  Scores of couples all around me are living together without the benefit of a marriage license.  People at work, in neighborhoods, and at colleges ignore your commandments as though they didn't exist and move in together.  They forget that you established families to be the foundation of society.  Lord, they are tearing down with their own hands the very relationships they want to build.  Why don't they remember that your curse and judgment is on them when they sin?


Father of pure love, I know your heart is grieved, because my own heart aches over this problem.  Show me how to pray effectively and fervently for these couples.  Help me speak the truth in love to them.  Convict them, Lord.  They are robbing themselves of your best.  Take the veil from their eyes; make them hungry to be obedient to your will.  Help them understand that their children suffer because they, as parents, walk in error.  Give these couples a desire to marry.  Hurry them to the altar, Lord.  Establish their homes and families in your love and truth so you can pour out blessings upon them.  Surround them with healthy marriages.  Give hem models -- examples of godly husbands and wives -- who will are enough to teach them the joy of living in your truth.  Thank you, Father,




"Marriage should be honored by all,

and the marriage bed kept pure,

for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral."


Hebrews 13:4








Date this page was last edited:  July 11, 2004