Prayers . . . for children






Dear Lord, it's exhausting parenting a child with special needs.  Today, I feel overwhelmed by everything and cannot stop crying.  Finding the right resources to help my child is confusing.  There are not clear road signs to show me the way.  It is intimidating to ask professionals for help.  They use terms that I do not understand.  Lord, I am hopelessly inadequate.  I beg them to help me and they don't.  My emotions shift daily like the wind.  One day, I feel misunderstood; the next determined and hopeful.  Lord, give me he strength to go on.


Your Word is my compass.  I am lost without its direction.  It gives me comfort.  Through it, you give hope to all generations.  You meet us at our point of need, no matter where we are.  Neither I nor my child has escaped your notice.  We are not a bother to you.


As I imagine my child sitting in your lap covering your face with wet kisses, tears fill my eyes.  Lord, forgive me for not trusting you with my children.  Help me not to give up because the road is hard.  Teach me to reflect compassion and forgiveness toward others, even when I feel broken and discouraged.  Light my path each day with wisdom.  Supply the extra strength and courage needed to run the race that is set before me. 




"Let the little children come to me,

and do not hinder them,

for the kingdom of heaven

belongs to such as these. "

Matthew 19:14







Date this page was last edited:  July 11, 2004