Prayers . . . for children





Father, my son is in crisis.  He's hurting, Lord, and I ache when he hurts.  You know how i lie awake trying not to worry.  Trying to pray.  Trying to trust you.  And in some moments I succeed, Lord.  In other, I fail miserably.  Help me believe in your goodness when it comes to my kids.  I would spare him this crisis if I could, but you have not spared him, and I know you well enough to know that you do nothing without purpose. I ask that you accomplish your mighty purpose in my son's life.


Lord, my son feels like your kids did when they left Egypt - hemmed in on one side by a powerful Egyptian army and on the other by a vast sea.  You showed your children the way through the trial; show my child.  Lead him through obstacles with the same great faithfulness you showed to your chosen children.  Teach him to follow you without question; wherever you lead.


Give him ears to hear your voice - wise counsel in the midst of endless foolishness.  Give him stamina, Lord, the strength to keep believing when he doesn't see answers.


Give me wisdom to pray beyond my own reason.  Give me the endurance to fight for the godly good of my son; that he survives this trauma as a man fully armed for the work you have for him to do.  Keep me from giving up.  Keep me praying.  I ask in my Savior's name.




"But from everlasting to everlasting

the Lord's love is with those who fear him,

and his righteousness with their children's children."

Psalm 103:17








Date this page was last edited:  July 11, 2004