Prayers . . . for children






I pray to Jehovah-Jireh, the Lord Who Will Provide, for my newly independent child.  Our child has been ours to love and care for since placed in our arms years ago by You.  We have clothed, fed, loved, and counseled our child.  Now, too soon, our child is leaving.


Mighty Helper, go with my child; stand beside them at every point of need.  Be involved in the selection of roommates; direct my child as to  which job to pursue.  Help sift through the false teaching and liberal thinking.  Walk with my child, Spirit of Truth.  Keep my child's mind and heart and will centered in your Word.


Guide our young adult when choosing new friends, Lord, perhaps even a spouse.  Let them be wise and compassionate -- young men and women who make truth and faith their only choice.  Keep our young adult physically safe.  Help my child handle each problem with prayer and self-discipline, whether it is loneliness of a difficult exam.


Free us to let our child go.  Fill our empty hours with worthwhile activities.  Though our young adult is far from us physically and we have less time together, keep us close emotionally.  I lay my child back in your arms, Lord.  Thank you for the privilege of being this child's parent.  I know you will go with our child and keep them in all places.




"Train a child in the way he should go,

and when he is old he will not turn from it."


Proverbs 22:6







Date this page was last edited:  July 11, 2004